15 March 2012

Bongani Moyo and Gang

The orange overall was used as a rope to help them down.
Correctional services busy investigating how they could have made it to there
Commissioner of Correctional services thanks the newspaper vendor for alerting officials. The vendors face has been blurred to protect his identity.
The 3 back in the hands of  Correctional services Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube
Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube after being treated at hospital
Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube after being treated at hospital 
Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube after being treated at hospital 
Commisioner of correctional services Tom Moyane and Minister of Correctional services Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula

A stern warning from the minister.
Bongani Moyo 
Khubulani Sibanda 
Themba Dube 
Bongani Moyo in handcuffs still bleeding and in pain
This whole episode played out at the Pretoria Central Prison yesterday. These 3 criminals are notorious for trying to escape and are all still awaiting trial in various cases. They will now be under 24 hour guard and also shackled in leg irons permanently.

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