07 June 2012

Wiehan Botes Tragedy


Wiehan Botes and his caregiver Margrietha de Goede was murdered on May 23, 2012 in Delmas. Wiehan Botes a 5 month old baby boy  and his day mother Margrietha a 66 year old woman, , was found murdered in the house by Wiehan's mother and it is believed it was as a result of a wage dispute with the gardner whom the police are still searching for 2 suspects have been arrested that were in possesion of some of the stolen property. 

This has been the most emotional funeral I have every attended. It has taken more than a week just to decide whether I should actually post the images or will it be to much. I decided to post it as many people believe the job as photographer is easy. I honestly don't think any person would want to do something like this. We kept our distance and I wanted to go unnoticed.

The funeral just made me realise that we still have way to much racial intolerance in the country and somehow we should move toward the Rainbow Nation former president Nelson Mandela always spoke about.