29 March 2012

Speeding truck kills Rhino

 The tear of Blood in the Rhino eye after it was killed by the fast moving truck

The complete scene showing the driver wasn't close to the speed limit

The dead Rhino with its horn which isn't seen much nowadays 

Mohlolo Siko angry resident talks about the speeding busses and trucks.

The driver Azael Lebitso

This tragedy of rhino killings needs to be stopped. They are being poached at an alarming rate and now it seems even drivers have no regard for the law.This is also costing the lives of our Rhino. How long will they still be around unless drastic steps are taken ??

25 March 2012

National Press Club Entry

I was honoured with the award of National Press Club photographer of the year on Friday 23 March 2012.
Below is my entry for the competition and according to the National Press Club Chairman Yusuf Abramjee the picture that stood out the most from all the entries was the picture of the policeman carrying the little girl from the building just before dark. Residents threw stones at police as well as bottles when they were being evicted. The children were rescued from the creche inside as parents weren't allowed into the building. 
The rules for the competition were a portfolio of 5 images taken between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2011. They also had to have been published. Below is the image as well as newspaper page as published.

15 March 2012

Bongani Moyo and Gang

The orange overall was used as a rope to help them down.
Correctional services busy investigating how they could have made it to there
Commissioner of Correctional services thanks the newspaper vendor for alerting officials. The vendors face has been blurred to protect his identity.
The 3 back in the hands of  Correctional services Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube
Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube after being treated at hospital
Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube after being treated at hospital 
Bongani Moyo,Khubulani Sibanda and Themba Dube after being treated at hospital 
Commisioner of correctional services Tom Moyane and Minister of Correctional services Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula

A stern warning from the minister.
Bongani Moyo 
Khubulani Sibanda 
Themba Dube 
Bongani Moyo in handcuffs still bleeding and in pain
This whole episode played out at the Pretoria Central Prison yesterday. These 3 criminals are notorious for trying to escape and are all still awaiting trial in various cases. They will now be under 24 hour guard and also shackled in leg irons permanently.

06 March 2012

Mabel happy in the township

Mabel Small (84) has been living with Johanna Mokgonase and her mother, Sinah Mosipha in Hammanskraal. Johanna Mokgonase got to know Mabel through working at the Spar in Les Marais Pretoria where Mabel came to purchase the newspaper daily. Mabel has children but they are not interested in helping her and don't have a place for her to stay. Johanna and her mother Sinah have since been caring for Mabel and she was very emotional when Mabel said she isn't going anywhere. Johanna also said she doenst want anyone to take her away.